Referral and Record Information
To make a patient referral for services
Please fax your patient referral to our Access Department at 360-415-5891.
Clinical Record Department Hours
Our Clinical Records Department is open 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
To send medical records
If you are a provider or other party sending medical records or client information to KMHS, please fax documents to the Clinical Records department at 360-373-0917.
To request medical records
Please call or fax your request to our Clinical Records department. Requests may take up to fourteen calendar days to process.
Phone: 360-373-5031
Fax: 360-373-0917
Please note that except for requests by a client for their own records, in order for KMHS to release records to any party, including medical providers, we must have a KMHS Authorization to Release-Obtain Information Form signed and on file. Links to these forms can be found in English here, en Español aqui.
Less than 20% of children and adolescents with diagnosable mental health problems receive the treatment they need.