Latest Past Events

KCPC Meeting: Kitsap First Responders

CKFR Station 41 7600 Old Military Rd NE, Bremerton

Kitsap County Parent Coalition and Kitsap Sherriff's office is hosting an informational meeting for families, caregivers, and individuals with disabilities. This meeting will provide information by Kitsap Sherriff's office on how to keep individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities safe. Education will include what to do during the event or interaction with the sherriff's department and what could happen after. This is a free event. RSVP is required to attend.

Supporting Youth with Online Safety

virtual event

Rebuilding Hope is hosting a free virtual event to discuss the importance of online safety for youth and young adults. This event will have interactive sessions that will be explored the topics of grooming, online scams, and gain insight on a full view of the internet.  This event is for parents, educators, or those who are interested in the safety of youth and engage in valuable discussion and tips to promote online safety in youth and young adults. 

Loads of Change

Village Laundromat 19425 7th AVE NE, Poulsbo

Poulsbo Lions Club is sponsoring a free laundry. This laundry event is for families and individual who live in North Kitsap and are low income.