Housing Resources Bainbridge (HRB) is a nonprofit affordable housing provider on Bainbridge Island, WA. HRB offers homes for rent and ownership to individuals and households that meet its income limits. Anyone, regardless of where they live, can apply. HRB also offers an independent living program.

730 Erickson Ave NE Suite 100
Bainbridge Island , Washington 98110
Monday - Thursday
9am - 3:30pm
By appointment only

Housing: Rental

HRB offers affordable rentals. Inquire about income qualifications and waitlist placement.
Contact Information:

Housing: Homeownership

HRB offers affordable homes for ownership. Inquire about waitlist placement and future housing opportunities.
Contact Information:
Sherri Raines, Homeownership Program Director

Housing: Independent Living

Independent Living provides health and safety home modifications so that older adults and people with disabilities can continue to live in their homes. Inquire about eligibility to receive these services free of charge.
Contact Information:
Misty Eberspecher, Independent Living Program Manager