Road to Recovery Section 3
Housing Supports Supported Employment Kitsap Clubhouse

Housing Supports

Brian Hill

Housing Support Specialist

How long at KMHS: 3 years

What do you do? Help clients with severe mental health conditions move into KMHS housing and learn practical life skills

How does your role support clients? Clients come to me after living on the street or couch surfing for years. They don’t have basic skills for managing money for groceries or know how to make their beds and clean their rooms and do the dishes. I help them set goals. I show them a model; I don’t do it for them.

What do you like about your job? I really enjoy seeing clients rebuild connections with their family or friends once they are stabilized.

What would you like people to know about KMHS? Everybody from the top to bottom is rooting for our clients.

Supported Employment

Emma Mills

Employment Specialist

How long at KMHS: 6 years

What do you do? Help clients identify and achieve employment and education goals; connect them with resources to overcome barriers; build relationships with community employers

How does your role support clients? I’m here to teach clients the skills they need to reach their long-term employment goals. If I’m gone tomorrow, I want them to have these skills going forward.

What do you like about your job? In this job, I get to know my clients and help them get their practical needs met. I like helping them gain self-confidence and become self-sufficient. Success is seeing them learn to trust themselves.

What would you like people to know about KMHS? We serve a lot more people than just the individuals you see living on the street.

Kitsap Clubhouse

Ebony Moore

Clubhouse Peer Supervisor

How long at KMHS: 5 years

What do you do? Coordinate a free skill-building club for Kitsap adults who are living with severe mental illness; connect club members* with resources

How does your role support clients? Clients come here to hang out because they know it’s the safest place for them. As a peer, I offer a sense of hope in a way people can relate to.

What do you like about your job? I like working with the people we serve. Everybody has their own personality. Clubhouse gives them a place for that personality to shine.

What would you like people to know about KMHS? We are a pillar in the community for our clients and we take a lot of pride in what we do.

*Clubhouse members do not have to be KMHS clients.